Jul 6, 2013


We seriously had the best honeymoon-ever. We drove to California and stayed in Vegas on the way.

Driving sucks. I'm the worst in the car. It was only an hour, maybe 2, and I would say, Shawn I'm bored. He'd laugh and tell me to go to sleep. HA! I never sleep in cars. But surprisingly I did, a lot. But when I wasn't sleeping, we were having tons of fun just talking and laughing and singing. and eating. 

We stayed at Caesars palace in Vegas and it was SO nice! Once we got settled there, we went to eat at MGM hotel at the Rainforest Cafe and then road The Roller Coaster. I'm not a huge fan of Vegas. The people there are gross, it's hot, and there isn't much to do for newlyweds that got married in the temple. But it was still fun with Shawn.

The next morning we were on the road to California! We got stuck in traffic and it was HORRIBLE! By this time we were so sick of driving and this only made it worse. We left at 11 and didnt get to California til 7. Arrrrg. When we got to the hotel we just laughed way hard. Our first night together we stayed in Park City at an incredible hotel, then Caesars, and the one hotel we stayed in for the majority of our honeymoon was a dump. And Shawn, I know you'll read this and say "It wasn't THAT bad" and you're right, it wasn't- once we got it cleaned and sprayed it with room spray- hahaha. But it was do-able. This is so not racist but the whole hotel was filled with Mexicans. hahaha. But we loved it-kind of. Once we got settled there we went to Downtown Disney for dinner. and that got us SO excited for Disneyland.

Tuesday and Wednesday we spent the whole day at Disneyland and California Adventure. It was a blast! Especially because Shawn hasn't been there since he was 11. It was cute to see him all giddy about Disneyland. And Cars Land is unbelievable. Disney NEVER fails. 

Garments are going to take a while to get used to. 90 degrees in the humidity and 100 layers of clothes was not okay. That was rough. But  we  I wasn't going to let that get in the way of us having fun.

Thursday we went to Knotts Berry Farm. I've never been there and those roller coasters are fun! 

Friday and Saturday- MORE DISNEY! 

And yes, we ate everything in the park. We don't dare weigh ourselves but I wouldn't doubt if I gained atleast 100 pounds. Just kidding. But maybe a couple. We just justified it with walking around all day and sweating. hahaha! We're pathetic.

Then Sunday we drove back to Vegas and stayed at Treasure Island. Vegas was 117 degrees, so there was no way we were going to walk to the Strip. So we found a place to eat inside our hotel and little did we know it was a party place. Once we got seated the DJ was like,, FREE SHOTS FOR EVERYONE! and people in the hotel ran into the place to get drinks. there was loud music, and way cool bar tenders from Uraguay and MTV. So sick. 

I turned to Shawn and I said, "I'm so glad we're Mormon". and he laughed. but it's true, I knew alcohol was bad for your body, but I now know there are more reasons than that why it's part of the Word of Wisdom. if you get what I mean..

Then Monday we came home and we are back into reality. I'll write another post about that soon :)

Being married is the best.

1 comment:

  1. i totally get what you mean by the whole garments in a million degree weather. Soooooo hot but we'll get used to it right?? vegas heat was AWFUL. hahaha that's so crazy you, me and jess were all there the same week!! :)
