Jul 27, 2013

Here I go!

I have been avoiding this post for a long time. I think mainly because I didn't want to announce it and then fail. I always thought, if I just keep it to myself and close friends then it'll be easier. But it wasn't. It's something I've wanted for a long time but didn't have enough motivation to do it. You all are probably thinking, 'what is she talking about?' so here's what I'm talking about:

Getting in shape, losing weight, and being happy with myself.

While Shawn was on his mission, and while we were engaged, I was 'dieting' and 'working out' for him. Not like he wanted me to, but I wanted to be that hot bride for him. But for some reason, I didn't care that much. Especially when he came home and I realized he loves me no matter what!! He really does. So then I gave up. Food is great. We loved going out to eat and eating like crap. I mean, who doesn't like a huge bowl of ice cream and Red Robin?!

Then I realized I wasn't completely happy with myself. It's sucky being a girl and comparing yourself to everyone around you. Especially because I go to beauty school.

I don't want you to think I'm depressed and hate myself. I love myself. I've been comfortable in my skin for a long time. But I've definitely put on some weight. So it's time for a change.

You're probably all wondering what makes this time different than all the times I've tried before. All the other times before, I did it for other people. I thought I needed to be super skinny and a six pack for Shawn. I thought in order to go swimming with my friends, I needed to wear a cute bikini and be skinny or they'll judge me.  And maybe for some of you, that's a good reason to work out and get in shape. But for me, it wasn't motivating. Especially when everyone was trying to get ''summer skinny'' and results weren't coming quick to me. (okay I'll admit, I'm a terrible dieter haha)

So what makes this time different, is that I'm doing it for myself! My friends love me no matter what, Shawn loves me no matter what, and my family loves me no matter what. So why would I need to change for them? That's just silly. But knowing that I'm doing it for myself, makes it so much more exciting. I am so excited to go into Fall being happy with my body. I'm excited to go hot tubbing and not be insecure about my body. I'm excited to love myself and wear cute tight clothes. I'm excited to get healthy and feel healthy.

So there ya go people! I've finally announced it. I feel like sharing it with the public will make it more motivating to get in shape. I'm excited to post results and share with you while I go through this journey. I've taken a before picture and can't wait to take an after.

I've talked to Shawn about my goal and even though he thinks I'm skinny and perfect, he's agreed to help me and support me 110%. We've made it a goal by October 1st that I'll lose the weight I want and be the pant size I want. And if I reach my goal, he's taking me on a shopping spree :) What a great reward right?

So here I go. Day 1 has been a success so far. The real test will be going to a wedding tonight and avoiding the sweets ;) hahaha.

I'm really SO excited!

If any of you have suggestions on what I should do, I'm all ears!

NO MORE negative body thoughts
NO MORE "I'll do it tomorrow"
NO MORE sitting and wishing to be more fit
NO MORE eating because I'm bored
NO MORE waiting for this to be easier
NO MORE muffin top or love handles
NO MORE "Buts..."
NO MORE "I can't..."
NO MORE "I'm too tired"
NO MORE "It's too hard"

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emily! I did Weight Watchers to kick off the New Year and easily lost about 7 pounds. What was great about it is that you can eat what you want, but it helps you with portions and all that! It was actually fun to use! I tracked everything I ate with their point system, and actually found it to be a really easy and super FUN way to stay on track! Plus, I never felt like I was starving myself or deprived of any sweets!

    I found that by exercising and using Weight Watchers, I was super motivated to keep on going because I saw results instantly! (you lose 1-2 pounds a week!)

    Good luck! :)
