Jan 2, 2013

Someone pinch me.

Am I dreaming? Is Shawn really coming home in 2 days?!

Forget all the plans I made before he got home, finishing school, losing 15 pounds, going on girls trips. Forget all the countdowns I have in my room and on this blog, my boyfriend is coming home in 2 days! On Christmas, Shawn let me and his family know that he has been in a lot of pain lately and his hernia has returned. So after a lot of prayer and talking to doctors, they decided to give him an honorable release from his mission and send him home.


My boyfriend is coming HOME.

I can't even wrap my head around it quite yet! I have been super giddy all day. I can't even think straight to write this post!

I get my boyfriend back. No more lonely nights, no more dateless weekends, no more counting down, no more waiting.

I'm done waiting.

Someone pinch me. 


  1. You two are the cutest and that makes me so excited for you :) I can't wait to see pictures of you two together!!

  2. Congratulations and good luck!!! It is the absolute best thing in the world!!! :) :)
