Jan 3, 2013

My last night waiting-

Is this really happening?- I find myself asking that question a lot lately. Can you blame me? I didn't think he was coming home til May. I mentally got ready for May and now it just came out of no where. I don't think it's even hit me QUITE yet. Randomly throughout the day, it would kind of hit me, but it hasn't sunk in. Like when I was making his poster, I took a minute and I was like "Whoa". Or when I was at the mall and someone asked "who are you shopping for?" and I said "oh my boyfriend". Double whoa.

So just stuff like that would happen and it would kind of hit. I think it'll finally sink in when I'm sitting in the airport (whoa major butterflies just came). Maybe it's starting to sink in now and I'm just too tired to realize it. Who knows. But all I know is that my boy will be home in less than 12 hours.

12 freakin' hours. 

Poster- Check.
Banner- Check.
Balloons- Check.
Yellow Ribbon- Check.
Presents for him- Check.
Five outfits laid out on my floor- Check.
New make up- Check.
Nails painted- Check.
Hot Bath- Check.
Clean car- Not Check. Screw it the car was was closed hahaha.
Best friend?- She'll be here in a minute.
Someone to film- Check.
Photographer- Check.
Boyfriend- ALMOST CHECK.

I honestly don't remember the last time I was THIS happy! And the best part? I will only be HAPPIER tomorrow! Gosh, I wish everyone in the world could just experience this excitement.

See you tomorrow babe :) I LOVE YOU.


  1. YAY! So excited for you!! :) The airport is the best part of the whole waiting!! good luck! I'll be waiting to see pictures :)
