Mar 1, 2016

Transformation Tuesday

"You get what you focus on, so focus on what you want"

Hi! I'm so excited to completely start this journey to better health and fitness. I've wanted this for so long and I'm so pumped to accomplish this goal of mine. Nothing is going to get in my way! Not even pizza! HA! (and for those of you that know me, know that pizza is life). But not anymore! I want to reach this goal. I want this for myself. Not for anyone else, but for ME. I'm young, I have so much to look forward to, especially with summer coming up. It's just time to get serious! It's not like I eat like crap and I'm lazy.. it's just that I haven't really ''cared'' like I used to! 

Growing up, I was very active. I danced , worked out daily, I was very fit. And then I graduated high school and got married and life happened. Worked a lot, was going to full time school, I became lazy! Still in good shape, but just so lazy. With everything! I didnt work out as much as I used to, eating out was faster and sometimes cheaper than making meals every day for use two people. But those are just all excuses and I dont want to make excuses for myself. I totally own up to my mistakes. And now being a mom, the excuses just pile up. 

Not anymore.

I want this not only for me, but for my daughter. I know that she is young and she doesn't know, but I want to start the habits now. For her, so that she can grow up healthy. (dont worry I wont deprive her of anything. She's still a kid) but if anything I just want to be a good example to her! I want her to absolutely love her body! Being a girl is tough, and I don't want to make that any harder on her. 
So it starts with me! I need to be a great example of loving yourself, loving your body, and being confident in your skin! I never ever want her to think poorly of herself. So it starts with me.

My whole mindset is different this time. I can't even tell you how many ''diets'' I've started and failed. or how many Sundays I said "I'll start tomorrow. Tomorrow is Monday!" No more! This isn't a diet. This is a lifestyle change. A change for the better.

I wont fool myself. I know its going to be hard. I'm going to miss my Diet Coke, and pizza parties Friday nights, but I just got to remember Food is Fuel, not comfort. (and trust me, I don't believe that for a second right now hahaha) 

One day at a time, I'm going to reach this goal of mine. 
Watch me. 

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