May 28, 2015


Ahh what a day. I say that like I've been really busy or something- but that is not the case. Well I guess I have been but not with the things that I really should get done. I look around my house and it's just a mess. And not that, pick-up-your-shirt, fold-the-blanket, kind of mess. It's the, I need to vacuum, dust and get organized kind of mess. This past month it's been nothing but rain here in Utah and I think that leaves people in a sloppy mood. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the rain. In fact, it's my favorite. but when it's raining outside, I definitely just want to stay inside and snuggle Haddy all day. So the sun is FINALLY shining and it's looking like the next week is going to be in the 80's so I want to start spring cleaning. I have a list of things that I want to get done and no money. Booo.

I've been in such a home decor mood lately. Yesterday I even went to Hobby Lobby and get a few things. They are currently sitting in the back of my car of course, but I promise I'll get around to putting it all up. ha ha.

Shawn has been gone the last couple days. and by gone I mean working like crazy. He is currently working two jobs. I hate it so much, but I am grateful he is such a hard worker. I always have to tell myself that- That I'm so grateful he is such a hard worker- because it really does suck how much he is gone. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week he works 7am-Midnight. He goes from one job to the next. So he is gone before I wake up and home when I'm asleep. It's awful. I miss him a lot. Atleast it's not all the time but still. I think that's another reason my house is such a mess. I love to clean, I don't know why.. maybe I got that from my mother. Everytime I go to her house she says "Ugh my house is such a mess" when in reality it's spotless ha ha. And I'm totally the same way. My friends think I'm crazy that I clean so much.. but for me.. it's therapy. I really do enjoy cleaning and seeing the lines in my carpet from the vacuum. Ok ok something is wrong with me, I get it. but lately, I just haven't really cared and It's probably because Shawn isn't home to enjoy a clean house so why bother right? Ah I guess I know what I'll be doing all day tomorrow! Is it weird that I'm actually looking forward to it??


Anyway. Today I actually did organize Hadley's room. I packed up all her newborn clothes. Ok saddest day of my life. Was my child really that small one upon a time? I miss my tiny 5 pounder. You should see her now. She is all chunk. I love it.

Let's see, what else can I ramble about.

We got my brothers itinerary today! I can't believe he will be home so soon. July 9! That's crazy. 2 years goes by soooo fast. I'm so excited for him to come home. And especially for him to meet his niece.

Man, I can't believe Hadley is still sleeping. It's been 2 hours. She must be really tired. and I should be taking full advantage of that and go pick up the kitchen.


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