Feb 25, 2015
This Past Week...
So many thoughts and emotions this past week, but especially tonight.
Tomorrow, our lives are going to change forever. Tomorrow-my little girl will be here.
Last week, at my doctors appointment, I went in for my 37 week check up just expecting her to check if I am dilating and to talk to me about all things labor-in case she came early on her own. As Shawn and I were waiting in the waiting room, I over heard the nurses talking about my doctor going out of town at the end of the month. I didn't think much of it, other than-''oh my heck, baby stay inside of me longer so she can deliver you when she gets back''.
Once me and Shawn were in the room waiting for my doctor to come in, we just got talking about how excited we were to find out if I am even dilated. Crossing our fingers.
When my doctor came into the room we just began small talk. How you feeling? How are the babies movements? Any contractions? And then I asked her.. "Are you going out of town soon?" and she immediately said:
"Yes. But I'll get your baby here before I leave".
Me (in shock) "When do you leave?"
Dr: "February 28. But don't worry. I'm getting your baby here before I leave"
And I just giggled to myself and said okay sounds great. But now my brain is going a million miles per hour. What does she mean? Is she serious? Does this mean I'm getting induced? Or does she just think she is going to try? I was totally expecting her to tell me that if all else fails, there is another doctor that will deliver my baby.
But no.
She did her thing, We finished the appointment. and she said "So I did something to get this going faster! So hopefully I see you less than a week. If not, we will get her here before I leave"
And I said "Ok sounds great!!"
Still in complete shock.
Shawn and I were dying on the way home. I could not believe that in a week, I would be having my baby. When we got home, I started questioning everything she said.. again. So I decided to just freakin' call her. So I called the office and said "So, the doctor kept saying that she wanted to get my baby here before she leaves. Does she have a day in mind for my husbands work so he knows when to get off?" I mean, we were expecting March people. and the nurse responded with "Yes! Let me go ask her." and then I heard my doctor in the back ground say "I am inducing her Thursday the 26 for sure". and the nurse repeated it to me and I said thanks you and hung up.
Then I started screaming. and laughing. laughing hard. Because that's what I do when I am in shock. I laugh.
And let me tell ya, I am SO HAPPY to be induced. I absolutely love my doctor and wouldn't want anyone else to deliver my baby. My doctor is the best and I feel so comfortable around her and so safe. And more importantly, I trust her with my baby. She really cares about her patients on another level. She is amazing.
So this past week has been insane. But so perfect.
Over the weekend, Shawn surprised me with a little get-away for my birthday. Although it wasn't any where far, it was still perfect. Our last little get away before the baby comes. We spent two nights at a Hilton in Salt Lake. Friday, we ran a few errands before we headed out and then we went to a yummy dinner and hung out in our hotel room. Saturday morning, we woke up with breakfast in bed and took our time getting ready and just relaxing. Then we spent the day in Park City shopping and hanging out. But this prego mama wasn't up for all that walking. So we cut it short and all I wanted was to go back to the hotel room and eat birthday cake and cuddle. So that's what we did.
We ate birthday cake and we cuddled. All night.
And then we needed to figure out something to do for dinner, but all I wanted was to stay in. So we ordered pizza to our room and got candy. And just pigged out. Why not? I'm having a baby soon. and then it's crunch time to get my summer body back. Of course I'm going to enjoy it while I can.
but what was so amazing, was all the alone time I had with Shawn. Just me and him. We spent lots of time laughing and falling more in love. Cheesy? I dont care. It's exactly what happened. He spoils me.
Monday and Tuesday I just kept myself very busy. I knew these days would be long, so I didnt want to just sit around. I spent a lot of time with my mom running errands and getting things done before the baby gets here. and I can say, everything is crossed off my list! Yay!
And now here I am. The night before a baby. But I am going to write a different post about that.
So cheers to this past week as a prego woman.
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