Jan 16, 2015

Bumpin' with the Bestie-

I can't even keep a straight face writing this post!!
Honestly, one of the funniest days of my life happened the other day. And it's not going to be that funny to all of you. It's one of those you-had-to-be-there moments, or you-have-to-know-what-pregancy-is-like moments.

Me and my best friend Holly are pregnant right now, 6 weeks apart. A best friends dream come true right?

Since the beginning, I've always been 'behind her'. Meaning: when she was done being sick, I would start. Her bump would come, mine would be invisible. Stuff like that. But now we are experiencing most of the same things so when we are together it his HILARIOUS.

So the other day, we decided we needed a bestie day. Especially because she is due any day now!

The day started out with me at Target waiting for her to be done with her doctors appointment. (We also go to the same doctor, Dr. Boheen-LOVE HER) While I am at Target, Holls calls me "Welp, looks like Dr. Boheen got called into a delivery! I have to go later". HA! Story of our lives. I feel like half of my Dr appointments have bee rescheduled because she got called in. Which is FINE because I'm glad to know my doctor delivers no matter what (unless she is on vacation).

-Bestfriend Pregnancy moment #1:
            Same doctor, same problems. Ha!

So she met me at target, and as soon as we see eachother we just start laughing because of our bumps. I don't know why it's so funny to us, but it's more like- we still can't believe we are both pregnant.
Walking around Target was a nightmare, so exhausting. In comparison of shopping normal and having so much energy, this time we make it down one isle and we are tired. hahaha. Ridiculous. And then we decided we were hungry. Of course.

-Bestfriend Pregnancy moment #2:
            Always hungry.

So we went to Zupas. Our favorite! We both ordered a soup and sandwhich and maybe ate half the sandwich and not even half the soup. After a couple bites, SO FULL!

-Bestfriend Pregnancy moment #3:
            Always hungry, and full so fast. No more room in our bellies!

After lunch, we went and got pedicures at the cutest Nail salon in Kaysville! We got there around 1:00 and they didn't have an opening until 1:45. So Holls and I went back out to my car and sat there for a minute and I said,

"So do you want to go anywhere?"..
Holly: "ehhhhh"
Me: "I dont want to get in and out of the car again"

We both just start laughing hysterically. Are we that ridiculous that getting in and out of the car is such a chore now? So we sat in my car for 45 minutes talking, stalking people on instagram, and pinteresting what our babies will look like. HAH!

-Bestfriend Pregnancy moment #4:
            Everything is a chore. Tired all the time. hahahah!

Ohhh but that pedicure was the best thing in the world. So nice to get our feet rubbed and sit in a massage chair! We enjoyed every second of it. It's so nice to get pampered every once in a while, especially because we both stay super busy and work hard.

-Bestfriend Pregnancy moment #5:
             Being pampered with your best friend for the same reasons, is the BEST!!

K but really, being pregnant with your best friend is the best thing ever. If you read our conversations you would love it. We got from being super happy and emotional about our baby girls to saying ''omg we are so done being pregnant''.

We are usually up the same hours of the night uncomfortable, peeing, or sick-and just spend the next two hours complaining about it.

We send pictures all day long of cute little girls that we thing will look like our girls HA!

We are in constant communication about which bow is the cutest, which easter dress we should order, or things go decorate the nursery. (yes we know they 'dont matter' but its so fun)

It's so great having someone to constantly complain to, brag to, cry to, laugh with, be excited with, and plan for little girls. our husbands are great and all, but it's nice having someone who totally knows! hahaha.

Lately it's been crazy tho. Holly is so close to having her baby. She is always having contractions, and she is just SO CLOSE! Which is amazing. It's surreal. Where did 9 months go? I can't even believe her time is coming so quickly. And as I'm watching her go through some hard and painful moments, I can't believe it'll be me next.

It'll be so worth it.

She has 12 days left.
I have 6 weeks.

Holy Moly.

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