Jul 8, 2014

Happy Year

1 giant wedding
7 wonderful days in California
2 people completely in love
6 holidays
8 TV series\
1brand new car
1 car accident in the brand new car
16 primary kids (2 classes)
3 Trips to Disneyland
1 graduate from school
2 crazy work schedules
1 full time student
10+ spiders hidden under a cup until Shawn gets home to kill them
a zillion laughs
a couple tears
a million movie nights
a few home-cooked dinners that turned into a McDonalds run- HA!
several late night drives just to be together
365 best days.

And that's not all.

This past year has easily been the best year of my life. Starting with Shawn coming home from his mission, getting married, and spending every day with my best friend- I'd say we've had a pretty fantastic year! I keep putting off this blog post, because no matter how hard I try to make it perfect, it doesn't happen. So instead of thinking about it, I'm just going to type. I'm going to type everything I'm thinking and hope it doesn't sound like I'm babbling on about our anniversary.

If I could use 3 words to describe the last year, it would be: Marriage freakin' rocks.
It's so fun.
We've had it really good- I mean reallllly good. Alot of people go on and on about how ''the first year of marriage is the hardest'' but whoever said that, obviously didn't know me and Shawn. I don't know if it's because we've actually known each other for a long time, or that we are both so easy going- but seriously marriage has been easy.

Were there things we had to get used to?? Yes. Maybe like Shawn's dirty socks all over the floor. Or piles and piles of hair, or like Shawn would say it "I LIVE IN A HOUSE OF HAIR''. And yes paying bills suck, no air conditioning sucks, paying for groceries suck, but at the same time it's so fun going through these things with your best friend. So like I said, YES there are things that are hard to get used to, but at the same time I wouldn't use the word ''hard''. It's just different. But it's a GOOD different.

Me and Shawn have been living in this cute little basement apartment for the past year, and it's so different. But remember what I said? Different isn't a bad thing!! Not at all. We've had so much fun. So many memories. We have been very blessed to live where we live.We have a fantastic ward, and the whole time we've been a part of the ward be have been in the primary. Doing that with him is so fun.

We both work. But luckily our work schedules hardly ever clash. We usually get home the same time which is AWESOME. I was scared that with us both working and Shawn going to school, we'd never see eachother. But no, we see eachother all the time.

We also have awesome married friends. Even friends with babies. So thats so fun to hang out with them.

I love being married. My favorite thing ever is falling asleep with my best friend and waking up to him every morning. Really, it's the best. I love being lazy with a husband. Cuddles on sunday watching tv are awesome. Cooking dinner, or making Shawn cook dinner -HAHA- is also so fun.

I could go on and on about how marriage freakin rocks. But I'm not kidding when I say this has been the best year of my life. Traveling together, singing together, laughing together, dancing together, cooking together, cleaning together, crying together, EVERYTHING TOGETHER. Rocks.

So onto the anniversary date Shawn planned.
June 20. (Friday)
We both worked. I got home around 7 and there were flowers on the table and my favorite dinner made. He is so sweet.

June 21. (Saturday)
We woke up, and Shawn made breakfast. Then we went to Park City for the day. We did the Alpine Coaster and the outlets. And then Shawn had a big surprise for me. There I was, thinking it was going to be a couples massage, candle dinner, I dont know something super romantic. Instead? Ziplining at Olympic Park. HAHAHA. It really was so funny. I laugh at how different boys and girls are. But the Zip line really was sooooooooo fun! And then we went to dinner at one of our fave restaurants!

June 22. (Sunday, our anniversary)
We spent it at my parents house. It was sunday so we couldn't do much but we were together and that's all that matters.
Oh yeah. And i got shawn the coolest gift.
I made him a book on shutterfly of his WHOLE mission. Separated into sectors and everything. 

I love my husband. And I can't wait to see what year 2 brings us!

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