Nov 6, 2013
Grumpy & Eating Brownies.
I write this post while I'm eating a brownie and sitting on Pinterest looking at work out plans and girls with perfect bikini bodies. Shawn's at the gym (where I should be) and I'm watching the CMA's and just at two pieces of pizza. And while this is all going on, I'm also enjoying the wonderful week of being a girl. Ya know, the one week during the month every girl enjoys-not. I also just teared up reading one of my friends blog about her new baby. It was adorable. (before any of you get any ideas, no I'm not baby hungry. If anything, I just want a baby girl so I can dress her like she's my doll) Also, to add to all the craziness, I came home so grumpy from the salon. I have absolutely no reason to be grumpy. But I am.
Shawn was so excited to see me tonight. And I was excited to see him too! I just have a bad way at showing it I guess! I walked in the door and he was sitting there waiting for me in his gym clothes. He said, "HEY CUTIE!!" and I said "Hi."-then gave him a kiss. But I was awnry because he wasn't already at the gym so he could be home sooner. He spends like an hour and a half at the gym so I was hoping he'd be gone by the time I got home so he could be home sooner! But no of course I was grumpy about it and all he wanted was to be home when I got home so he could see me before he left. Best husband award goes to him. Horrible wife award goes to me! Because of course I'm right, he's wrong- Right? Right!
He gave me a kiss and left.
So right after he left, I texted him:
Me: I'm sorry for being awnry.
Him: It's ok baby!
Me: Ugh bad wife.
Him: No babe!
Me: Yes
Him: NO!!!!!!!
So right now, I'm really grateful for a husband that puts up with my mood swings! I don't have a reason to be grumpy. Maybe because I got my hair done last night and it didn't turn out how I wanted. But why be grumpy about it? I'm getting it fixed! I just want an ombre and I'm so impatient to wait for my hair lady to make room for me! So hopefully I get it fixed soon before my head falls off!
Wow, I really am so grumpy all because of my hair! Hahaha. Nice Emily.
Oh yeah, so I'm grateful for Shawn. He's really nice. He's too good to me sometimes and I'm glad he laughs at me when I have my ''fits''. I love when he says "Oh babe don't be gwummpyy" and then kisses me. I'm just glad that he doesn't hate me when I'm grumpy because when I am, I'm really quiet and just pout. hahaha. Hi, I'm 5 years old!
So when my husband gets home, he's getting a great big kiss and a huge 'I LOVE YOU' because he's really great and perfect and flawless. I love him more than anything in this world. xox
Oh sweetie. Give yourself a break. It's that time of the month, your allowed some groutchy time. I am in the same boat so I am also groutchy. Being a women is hard, then throw in that awful once a month thing... but thankfully like Brady, it sounds like Shawn loves, cherishes, and respects you despite your groutchyness and allows you to have those moments because he knows its what you need. Go easy on yourself Emily, your an amazing women and I am so sure your an amazing wife. P.S. I went to the gym with Brady on Monday and was constantly on the verge of bawling. Maybe it's better you stayed home :-).