Jul 16, 2013

Alright, before I continue blogging, let me inform you that I've been on my blog for the past hour messing around with the title. I'm so frustrated that it doesn't blend in with the background. So if there is anyone out there that can help a girl out, pleeease let me know!

So, I got my wedding day pictures back and absolutely love them. My photographer did a great job. It was so fun looking at them with Shawn. but it kind of made me-sad. I never thought I would say this but..

I miss planning my wedding.

I'm crazy! That was so stressful! But when I think back, it was so much fun and went by so fast. All the crafts, the countdown, engagement pictures, showers, ya know-all the fun things that come with planning a wedding. Two of my very best friends are getting married. One next week, and the other middle of August and I'm attending both of their bridal showers this week. I wish I could do it all over again. I wouldn't change a THING but I just want all the excitement of counting down again. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love being married, but you get my point. I'm so excited for my friends. I'm now standing in my married friends shoes when they were helping me plan a wedding. It's exciting watching your friends prepare for the best day of their life!

Jess & Kelsey,
I'm so proud of you. I'm so excited for you. Being married is the biggest blessing and it's so much fun. Waking up to your best friend every day, having a sleepover every night, making dinner together, decorating, all of it, is great. Even the sucky stuff, like saying goodbye in the morning or little arguments, in a weird way it's still the best. Because saying goodbye, but counting down the hours til you see him again is exciting. fighting and then watching him try to make you laugh is hilarious (even though you just want to stay mad so bad). I'm beyond excited for you two and I'm so happy that I get to be by your side through it all. My best advice to you while you're coming to the end of planning:

Have fun. Laugh. Make crafts together. Walk away from the stress because this is the moment you've been waiting for your entire life. and you only get to plan a wedding once! (hopefully) but you two have great guys and you are amazing girls so I know that this is for eternity. I love you both and just have so much fun because it does go by so fast. You'll be married before you know it!

Love, Em.

Here are some pictures from the best day of my life.

Jess                                                    Kels  


  1. Hey Emily! I absolutely love keeping up with your blog, it's amazing!

    I've had the same header/photo problem, and it is SO frustrating when the image's white background turns to blue!!! Here's how to fix it:

    1. Upload your image (your Mr & Mrs header) on LunaPic: < http://www151.lunapic.com/editor/?action=transparent > and "Choose file" and "Upload now!"

    2. Then it says: "Click on the image color you would like to make transparent" so click on the white portion of your picture. Wherever you see grey and white checkers, it means that part of the image is now transparent!

    3. Above the image, there is a bar of options. Click "File, save image" and save your pic as PNG. (It's the fourth on the list of ways to save the image.) It will save as "imageedit_ and lots of numbers" so find it in your downloads!

    3. Change your header on your blog. Replace the old background one with your new transparent one and VOILA!

    Hope that helps! :)



  2. Oh my gosh thank you so much!!! That totally worked. You're my hero! Thanks a ton girl!!

  3. Glad it worked!! I totally had the same problem before!
    Keep up the posts, I love your blog. You two are so adorable! :)
