Jan 5, 2013

He's Home!

I've never been so happy in my entire life.
Sorry this is way long haha but SO worth reading.

Let me back track just a little bit :)
As most of you know, Shawn's actual release date was supposed to be May 21, 2013.
Christmas Day, we skyped him and he told us that he has been in so much pain. He came home December of 2011 for a hernia surgery and then went back out, and I guess his hernia came back. My first reaction: Holy Cow.

He then told us that they need to figure out what's going on and whats going to happen. When we got done skyping, his moms first words were, "Looks like we have a missionary coming home early". My stomach was in knots. Is this seriously happening?? I kept asking myself. So for the next couple days, it was back and forth communication between his mom and the mission president figuring out what was going to happen.

Monday Dec, 31: He tells me in an email that the mission president wants him to stay til February 28, (2 more transfers) but he was in SO much pain and was trying to get home earlier. but he was also very sad and didn't want to leave but felt like he had no choice.

Wednesday, January 2: His mom texts me "Shawn will be most likely coming home Friday. Dont' tell anyone until we get his itinerary" My world just flipped upside down.

Thursday Jan, 3: The day we were supposed to hear the news. I waited all day to eventually find out that he was going to arrive tomorrow at 10:30 am. Most of you girls get months to prepare, I had 24 hours. Banner, posters, outfit, presents, so much to do and so little time. But I wasn't complaining :)

Shawny got an honorable release and returned home 4 1/2 months early.

Sooooo now to the exciting part :)

The Airport:

I woke up at 7am and had to be at his house at 8:30 to decorate. Still didn't even pick out my outfit but luckily i had my best friend there to help me out. We got to his house at 8:30 and my best friend kept saying "Has it hit you yet" And no it didnt at all! It was all a dream. Decorating his house, seeing the Welcome Home Elder Larkin sign, it was all surreal. Driving to the airport my stomach started getting in knots but I still didn't feel like I was seeing my boyfriend. Everyone talks about this "nervous feeling" I NEVER FELT IT. Pure excitement. I wasn't nervous at all. It just didn't feel like it was happening. Maybe because I had 24 hours to get ready, I'm sure that's it. Anyway, we got there at 9:30 and his mom called me saying "Shawn's flight is arriving at 9:56." A HALF HOUR EARLY. So we got into the airport, and I was there with my best friend, his family, and my family. Also the awesome photographer and person filming it. I then walked over to the arrival board and just sat there and watched his flight number. It then said landed. Finally it hit, and I was already bawling like a baby. GREAT. hahaha.

We all then stood together getting ready for this handsome boy to land. It took FOREVER for him to get down, but then.. it happened. I saw him. And every heartache, every lonely night, every awful date, every hard night went away. In that moment, it was like nothing mattered and it was only me and him in this world. I literally fell to the floor crying (as you could see in my pictures). I watched him hug his family and hold his mom for a long time and I said to my best friend, "I will marry him". He walked over to me and grabbed me. he pulled me in SO TIGHT and whispered "I love you so much Em". He wouldn't let me go. we just held each other and I pulled back a little to look at him and said 'YOURE REAL!!!" and he pulled me back in to hug me. I can't even explain the hug in the right words because incredible is an understatement.

He then went to hug my family and he couldn't take his eyes off me. and he mouthed the words "I love you". and while we were walking he put his arms around me and pulled me in for another hug. It was perfect. Then we got his bags and he said "You're coming with me in the car right?" And I said "No I have to take my friends home but then i'll be right over!" and he said "K you better Emmie". haha.

Awful 7 hours:

Shawny couldn't get released until 5pm!! So we just talked and he told us stories and gave us presents. and then we walked up to his office for him to show us pictures and videos on the computer and it was just me and him in the room for a second before his mom got in there and he said "holy crap is it 5 yet?" haha we both just laughed.

Finally released:

At 5pm I went home so he could go to the stake presidents to get released and they told me to be back at 6 to go to dinner. So I went home and to pass the time I got on facebook and just sat there waiting. When I got back to his house it was a complete different feeling and the minute our eyes met i could feel how much he loved me. We then got in his car and it was his mom and dad in the front, and then shawn, me in the middle, and his sister on my right side. Right when we got in the car, shawn grabbed my hand and held my hand. Amazing. Then he would play with my hands and rub them. and I'm not exaggerating when I say this every 2 minutes he'd say either "I love you" or "You're amazing" or "Thanks for waiting babe" or "You're so pretty". At dinner he kept touching my leg and holding my hand under the table. and on the way home he held my hand the whole time and kept saying those same things.

When we got back to his house he wanted to watch Avengers. hahaha so we cuddled and watched the movie. and he kept pulling me in closer and closer.

Then his dad went to bed and I was getting ready to leave, but before he left we had a little heart to heart talk. He said "Em, I want to thank you for wating for me. It was so hard, but you are the most amazing girl in the world and there's no one else i'd rather be with. I'm so in love with you and want to be with you forever. You are beautiful and I'm so lucky."

He kissed me before I left and it was amazing. We both teared up. Ok he teared up, I cried like a baby.


Waking up this morning and knowing Shawn was home was one of the best feelings in the world. He came over to my house before my brothers baptism and right when I heard his truck pull up and ring the door bell I RANNNNN to the door and jumped on him. We then went to the baptism and he just kept hugging all my extended family and telling everyone how much he loves them. While we were sitting there he had his arm around me, or holding my hand, but again every 5 minutes he'd whisper "I love you so much". Ahhhh. He's perfect. And then I watched him be in the circle giving my brother the holy ghost and I cired. i'm a baby i know. haha and we are seriously glued to each other. He will not let me go!

We went back to my house to have a family party and each lunch and I was like "Babe do you want me to throw away your plate?" and he was like "NO! stay and cuddle me." and i said "babe i'll be fast!!" and he said "K hurry fast. i miss you already" hahahaha. we're ridiculous. but he's perfect.

And then we were sitting there and he was holding me and playing with my hair, and then he said "Babe, lets go look at wedding rings soon k?" :) :) :) eeeeek.

I can't even tell you how much I love him. I've read all these stories, and they alll say keep waiting its worth it. but it never like stuck with me. I'M EATING MY WORDS RIGHT NOW. THE WAIT IS WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WOULD DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN. The LOVE you share is amazing..I did one of the hardest things and he will forever appreciate it. I never imagined love to be this strong and I tear up just thinking about how special it is. I am so madly in love with this boy. I've been stomped on, I've been hurt while waiting, boys are jerks, i've dated horrible guys, and i've had miserable days, but I would do it all over again because guess what?! NONE OF IT MATTERS. it's like it never happened.

and it was all sooo worth it.

Everything is perfect. He isn't weird at all. It's like he never left. He's the same but better. Such a gentleman and loves this gospel. The spirit is so strong around him and I can't wait to marry him some day.

So this is my story. Its been 2 days and they are the best 2 days of my life. and its only going to get better!!!!!


  1. ok, normally i dont cry reading these things. but i have to admit, i cried. just a little. my missionary gets home in 2 months! and i cant wait to feel like this, to have this. congrats!!! this is so great!!!

  2. oh my gosh. this is my favorite!!! (: CONGRATS! and THANK YOU for sharing!!!!! (:
