Dec 15, 2012

New friends, lots of laughs, and a great time.

Today was such a fun day! I have honestly been looking forward to this day for so long. For the past couple weeks, a bunch of people have been getting together to do a Flash mob. Its actually a crazy story. So, my three friends; Nick, Johnny, and Tyler, they make these hilarious videos on YouTube. They're quite popular actually. Million's of views. They've pranked Venice Beach, Vegas, and so much more. So their next great idea was a Flash Mob at City Creek in Salt Lake City. After a couple rehearsals, the boys had the idea to go ask permission at City Creek. That caused them to get banned from City Creek for 90 days, get their pictures taken by the police, and sign paper work. Oops.

So they decided to check out The Gateway. Which turned out to be a blessing in disguise because when they got there, they found out that every hour, on the hour, they play All I Want for Christmas is You as part of their light/fountain show. PERFECT RIGHT? Right.

So the Flash Mob was today. Video still to come, but it was such a blast. I made so many new friends and I have loved seeing them all the time. We spent a lot of time laughing and thats what I needed right now. I love my new friends.

I'm also so happy for Johnny and Tessa! At the end of the Flash mob, Johnny proposed to Tessa and it was so perfect. They are so in love and I can't wait for my turn.

Today was also so fun with Kelsey Blackham. We went to the rehearsal together, then went to Keva and Great Harvest Bread, and then drove out to Salt Lake together and just laughed the whole way there. We're ridiculous actually. We were making the funniest noises and talking like complete idiots hahaha. I just laugh thinking about it and if anyone was there we'd have no friends. hahaha!

Kels is honestly the best friend any girl could ever ask for. She has been there for me through some pretty hard times and its amazing that God put her in my life at the perfect timing. We were friends in highschool but not close and now every time we're together we always wonder why we weren't best friends. She's such an amazing, strong girl and i'm so lucky to have her as my best friend.

Oh yeah, and did I mention I put highlights in my hair? Change is fun. and I'm lovin' it!

I'm so lucky to have the friends that I have. And seriously so grateful for the new friends that I made. We made some amazing memories that I'll cherish forever and ever.

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