Dec 6, 2011

Battle we're fighting.

"I might not get to see you as often as I'd like, I may not get to hold you in my arms at night, but deep in my heart I know that it's true. No matter what happens... I will always love you"

You think being 6000 miles
away from someone is hard?
Try being less than 5 minutes away
and not being together.

I am now facing the hardest obstacle in my life.
But because of this trial,
I somehow feel closer to Shawn than I have ever felt.
Even though this straight up sucks
and this wasn't part of the plan
I am a firm believer that
everything happens for a reason.
And maybe there is a big reason this all happened
and we wont know about it til' later;
maybe he needed to touch someone's life here;
maybe he needed to get away from Chile
because something was going to happen;
and of course doctors are better here,
but if anything,
this trial has brought us closer together
and I love him more than I did yesterday.
and I will love him more tomorrow than I did today.

And during the last couple of days
I have learned something.
Nothing will take me away from Shawn.
I have felt his love more the last couple days
than I have ever felt.
He's worth the wait everyone.
and even though we are going through
something that is miserable;

'our love can conquer anything.' - Shawn.

What I have with him is worth it.
It is worth every lonely night, every tear I cry from missing him,
and the pain I feel from not having him close.
It is worth it because he is my one and only.
When I picture myself years from now, I see only him.
No matter how painful distance can be,
not having him in my life would be worse.

"Not being able to hold you has got to be the hardest thing I've ever had to do. But I get to look forward to the next time you are in my arms; your smile only inches away from mine getting closer and closer until at last... our smiles meet. Something that beautiful... that's what keeps me going"


  1. Emily, i'm really curious...what exactly is going on? If it's too personal no need to share!
    p.s. I love your blog and I love you and Shawn, so cute! You guys are gonna make it i know it!:)

  2. We will make it, I know it! :) We have to! I love the kid to death! :) So thank you so much for thinking so too! The support really does mean the world to us!! I love you! Message me on facebook :)

  3. So strong girly, loved this post! :) Keep smiling!
