Hadley Lashes Larkin
Oct 28, 2015
Pumpkin Patch
Last week, we took little miss Hadley to the Pumpkin Patch for the first time. She LOVED it! She loved touching all the pumpkins and people watching. hahaha. I can't wait to take her when she is older and can run around. Other than Christmas time, Fall is my favorite. But lets talk about October, WHERE DID IT GO. Seriously, how is it November next week? I can't even believe it. This is my favorite time of the year. All these fun holidays and even better with Hadley here. I remember being pregnant last year with her and thinking about how much fun it would be with her here through everything. She is the best. We adore her.
Oct 26, 2015
Witches Night Out
Friday, my mom and I were texting about what she had planned for the night. She had a few plans and mentioned Witches Night Out. I've always wanted to go to it, but was just going to go next year when Hadley was older and start that little tradition with her. But when my mom mentioned it, it sounded so fun. I've seen all over social media girls going to it, and it looked fun-and girls talk about it all the time and go every year. So it sounded like a big deal. So after going back and forth about it for an hour we finally decided to just go. But that also meant we had to find witch hats and make a tutu for my sister. (her softball team was dressing in tutus) all in about 4 hours. HA!
Luckily we got it all done after going to 3 stores.
Then my mom made Paiges tutu and she had a moment. And when I say a moment, I mean drama. She is 14. It had to be PERFECT. But it was cute and I told her to suck it up because she knew about this for 3 weeks and decided last minute to go hahaha. Typical Elkins thing to do. Then when we got in the car, my dad called my mom and mentioned to her that traffic was going to take about an hour and a half to get out there. NO WAY was I doing that with Hadley. It was already 5:30 and she usually goes to bed at 7. Which is fine if she is up past her bed time, but I just knew she would be an awnry butt. And the place we were going to was a little far away so by the time we got home I knew Hadley would be beyond done. So we took a different route and it was a lot less crowded than the free way so we thought we could make it. About 10 minutes in, Hadley did what she always does. And if you read a few posts back, you should know what I'm talking about.
She pooped.
She always does. She thinks the car seat is her toilet. EVERYTIME. I'm not even joking guys. I can't take her anywhere without her pooping and possibly having a blow out. So we pulled over off an exit to change her diaper, because Hadley was in a little cat costume and if she had a blowout then that sucks and we weren't going to go because I didn't have a change of clothes. Luckily she didn't. So we changed her diaper and got back on the road.
And I'm SO HAPPY we went. It was soooo much fun. Seriously, now I know what all the fuss is about. Its is darling. Its at Gardner Village. The cutest little shops. All decorated Halloween. Everyone dressed like a witch. Yummy caramel apples. Food. Dancing. Loud music. I will go every year.
Every witch needs a black cat.
Luckily we got it all done after going to 3 stores.
Then my mom made Paiges tutu and she had a moment. And when I say a moment, I mean drama. She is 14. It had to be PERFECT. But it was cute and I told her to suck it up because she knew about this for 3 weeks and decided last minute to go hahaha. Typical Elkins thing to do. Then when we got in the car, my dad called my mom and mentioned to her that traffic was going to take about an hour and a half to get out there. NO WAY was I doing that with Hadley. It was already 5:30 and she usually goes to bed at 7. Which is fine if she is up past her bed time, but I just knew she would be an awnry butt. And the place we were going to was a little far away so by the time we got home I knew Hadley would be beyond done. So we took a different route and it was a lot less crowded than the free way so we thought we could make it. About 10 minutes in, Hadley did what she always does. And if you read a few posts back, you should know what I'm talking about.
She pooped.
She always does. She thinks the car seat is her toilet. EVERYTIME. I'm not even joking guys. I can't take her anywhere without her pooping and possibly having a blow out. So we pulled over off an exit to change her diaper, because Hadley was in a little cat costume and if she had a blowout then that sucks and we weren't going to go because I didn't have a change of clothes. Luckily she didn't. So we changed her diaper and got back on the road.
And I'm SO HAPPY we went. It was soooo much fun. Seriously, now I know what all the fuss is about. Its is darling. Its at Gardner Village. The cutest little shops. All decorated Halloween. Everyone dressed like a witch. Yummy caramel apples. Food. Dancing. Loud music. I will go every year.
Every witch needs a black cat.
A Little Get-Away
If you know me at all, you know that Disneyland is my favorite place on earth. So you should also should know that if I have a chance to go, I'm obviously going to jump on that opportunity. So it was fall break for Shawn and he had a vacation day to use for work, so we decided to go away for a couple days. And how about, I have the best parents in the whole world for not only being willing to watch Hadders, but OFFERING. Yeah, they basically pushed us out the door to watch Hads for 5 days. It was a quick little trip but so BEYOND worth it and needed. Shawn and I needed that time together. We left on a Friday-went to the park Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and came home Tuesday.
We had a blast. Seriously it was like a second honeymoon. It was fun to ditch the kid, and be kids for a couple days. Literally a couple kids running around the park. Going on rides non stop and eating everything we set our eyes on. Shawns never been to Disneyland for Halloween-it's so cool!! I mean, I like Christmas time way better, but it's cool to atleast see once.
The weather was perfect. Not hot at all. we just had the best time.
Thanks a million Mom & Dad.
I wanted to buy her everything in the park, and one day I'm going to when she is older. But for now, I only got her things that she really would like (toys) ok and something that I loved seeing her in hahaha. Could you die?? She is too cute in this little Minnie Mouse hoodie!
We had a blast. Seriously it was like a second honeymoon. It was fun to ditch the kid, and be kids for a couple days. Literally a couple kids running around the park. Going on rides non stop and eating everything we set our eyes on. Shawns never been to Disneyland for Halloween-it's so cool!! I mean, I like Christmas time way better, but it's cool to atleast see once.
The weather was perfect. Not hot at all. we just had the best time.
Thanks a million Mom & Dad.
I facetimed Hads every chance I got! People in the parks probably thought I was crazy, but I missed her so much.
I wanted to buy her everything in the park, and one day I'm going to when she is older. But for now, I only got her things that she really would like (toys) ok and something that I loved seeing her in hahaha. Could you die?? She is too cute in this little Minnie Mouse hoodie!
Oct 15, 2015
When did life get so busy??
I really wish I blogged more. For a little bit, I just didn't want to. I didn't know if anyone actually read this thing, until a lot of people brought it to my attention. So I'm sorry. And if people don't even read this, atleast it's for myself. Because I really do want to turn this into a book for myself one day. So while Hadley is sleeping, I'm taking a break from laundry, and cleaning, and packing. and I'm just going to sit down. Post my pictures. and type.
Life has been crazy. Hadley is now on the move, and she needs my constant attention. It's October and feels like August outside. I'm sick of it. I have a closet full of clothes just ready for me to wear but I can't even put them on. So I may or may not live in work out clothes and baggy t shirts every day. And I even hate being outside because I am just over the heat. But I know when it starts snowing, I'll be complaining too. Haha. Whatever. I just love fall and I love pumpkin EVERY THING but it's too hard to enjoy pumpkin when its 80+ degrees outside.
We are getting ready to go out of town tomorrow. And by we, I mean me of course because Shawn works all day. Totally fine. I just have a list of things to do and of course I'm not doing them. Why do I always wait until last minute?
Can you guess where we are going? I bet you wont be wrong.
Disneyland! Yay! I cannot wait. Hadley is staying home with my parents-oh boy! We will be gone for 5 days! Ah I'm going to miss her so much and I really hope she is good for my parents. They probably will never want to see her again! hahaha just kidding. I'm sure they will have fun with her and they truly are the best for offering! It'll be nice to get away. I need it. We need it.
Halloween is coming up- and of course I'm going all out. I'm in the process of actually making Haddys costume. Making it guys. Like a sewing machine. haha. I've spent a day with my Grandma and it has been a lot of fun. I HIGHLY doubt she will end of wearing it- I just have a feeling she will want to rip it off the second I put it on her. But Halloween is so fun for me. Even though I really don't like this holiday- I hate being scared. I hate haunted houses (never been to one, never will) but I love the actual day and it'll be fun to go trick or treating with her. Yes, we are going. Yes she will only be 8 months old. I don't care. It'll be so fun.
Welp, she is awake. I can hear her talking upstairs in her crib. hahaha. So I'll just post my pics and get back to getting ready to go! So much to do, so little time. Bubbbye
Hadley and Hazel
Cheering for uncle Parker at his high school football game!
This picture makes me laugh so hard. hahaha. Holly and I went to the park to take pictures of our girls. One minute they are sitting there, the next Hazel is grabbing Hadley. It was too funny.
When did life get so busy??
I really wish I blogged more. For a little bit, I just didn't want to. I didn't know if anyone actually read this thing, until a lot of people brought it to my attention. So I'm sorry. And if people don't even read this, atleast it's for myself. Because I really do want to turn this into a book for myself one day. So while Hadley is sleeping, I'm taking a break from laundry, and cleaning, and packing. and I'm just going to sit down. Post my pictures. and type.
Life has been crazy. Hadley is now on the move, and she needs my constant attention. It's October and feels like August outside. I'm sick of it. I have a closet full of clothes just ready for me to wear but I can't even put them on. So I may or may not live in work out clothes and baggy t shirts every day. And I even hate being outside because I am just over the heat. But I know when it starts snowing, I'll be complaining too. Haha. Whatever. I just love fall and I love pumpkin EVERY THING but it's too hard to enjoy pumpkin when its 80+ degrees outside.
We are getting ready to go out of town tomorrow. And by we, I mean me of course because Shawn works all day. Totally fine. I just have a list of things to do and of course I'm not doing them. Why do I always wait until last minute?
Can you guess where we are going? I bet you wont be wrong.
Disneyland! Yay! I cannot wait. Hadley is staying home with my parents-oh boy! We will be gone for 5 days! Ah I'm going to miss her so much and I really hope she is good for my parents. They probably will never want to see her again! hahaha just kidding. I'm sure they will have fun with her and they truly are the best for offering! It'll be nice to get away. I need it. We need it.
Halloween is coming up- and of course I'm going all out. I'm in the process of actually making Haddys costume. Making it guys. Like a sewing machine. haha. I've spent a day with my Grandma and it has been a lot of fun. I HIGHLY doubt she will end of wearing it- I just have a feeling she will want to rip it off the second I put it on her. But Halloween is so fun for me. Even though I really don't like this holiday- I hate being scared. I hate haunted houses (never been to one, never will) but I love the actual day and it'll be fun to go trick or treating with her. Yes, we are going. Yes she will only be 8 months old. I don't care. It'll be so fun.
Welp, she is awake. I can hear her talking upstairs in her crib. hahaha. So I'll just post my pics and get back to getting ready to go! So much to do, so little time. Bubbbye
Hadley and Hazel
Cheering for uncle Parker at his high school football game!
This picture makes me laugh so hard. hahaha. Holly and I went to the park to take pictures of our girls. One minute they are sitting there, the next Hazel is grabbing Hadley. It was too funny.
7 Months
Haddy girl is 7 months old and I can't believe it. The months go by so fast now, and before I know it, I'm going to have a one year old. Time; please slow down.
-army crawl all over the place. I now have to keep my eyes on you at all times.
-have one little tooth on the bottom, and another one coming in right next to it.
-''talk'' to your toys.
-hold your hands out when you want us to pick you up
-chomp down on everything (poor little teething babe)
-hold your bottle all by yourself
-shake your toys to make a sound
-love getting into things you're NOT supposed to get into
-still give the best kisses, especially to your Grandpa E.
-love all types of food
-sit in a shopping cart and love it
-love playing in the bath
-still sleep through the night
-love dogs
-love your friends. its so cute to watch you sit and ''talk'' to your friends
-randomly let out the loudest screams. and not the crying screams. you just want to talk really loud.
-sing in the car when you like the song thats playing (and when i say sing, i mean you just yell)
-have given your mama such a scare when you decided to roll off your changing table.
but you are totally fine. you ended up laughing.
-have the cutest laugh in the world. and you always laugh so hard when we lay you down in the tub.
-decided that your car seat is where you ALWAYS decide to go potty. most of the time, its a blow out. thanks baby girl.
-You are the happiest little babe, and we love you so much.
-army crawl all over the place. I now have to keep my eyes on you at all times.
-have one little tooth on the bottom, and another one coming in right next to it.
-''talk'' to your toys.
-hold your hands out when you want us to pick you up
-chomp down on everything (poor little teething babe)
-hold your bottle all by yourself
-shake your toys to make a sound
-love getting into things you're NOT supposed to get into
-still give the best kisses, especially to your Grandpa E.
-love all types of food
-sit in a shopping cart and love it
-love playing in the bath
-still sleep through the night
-love dogs
-love your friends. its so cute to watch you sit and ''talk'' to your friends
-randomly let out the loudest screams. and not the crying screams. you just want to talk really loud.
-sing in the car when you like the song thats playing (and when i say sing, i mean you just yell)
-have given your mama such a scare when you decided to roll off your changing table.
but you are totally fine. you ended up laughing.
-have the cutest laugh in the world. and you always laugh so hard when we lay you down in the tub.
-decided that your car seat is where you ALWAYS decide to go potty. most of the time, its a blow out. thanks baby girl.
-You are the happiest little babe, and we love you so much.