This is hands down the cutest video I have ever seen!
The wait is totally worth it!
I'm in love with my missionary!! <3
(click on link, I promise you wont regret it)
Sep 21, 2011
Sep 19, 2011
Harmless Prank :)
September 17, 2011
Just walking around a cute store
with my cousins
when my phone vibrates.
4 new emails.
What the heck?
I almost wasn't going to open them
just thinking it was a photographer i have been emailing
for family pictures.
But I decided to open it anyways,
and sure enough it was my
Elder Shawn Larkin!!
I hurried outside to get better service.
and then we headed back immediately to
my cousins new apartment in Provo
to get on her laptop.
It was a much needed surprise!
I needed to hear from him that day.
This is why he emailed early:
It was Independance Day in Chile on Sunday
and the office was going to be closed Monday
so he had his Pday Saturday instead!
It was so fabulous to hear from him
and it definitely made me love him
a million times more;
I did something mean to him tho...
I thought it would be funny to play a harmless trick on him.
I told him I cut my hair.
His reply:
How short?!?!?!?!
I sent him this picture.
(no worries its a wig)
His reply to the picture:
"oh my goodness what freaking happened?! did you have to get it cut short? are you going to grow it back out?!?! You still look freaking gorgeous though!"
I laughed so hard.
He's such a liar. It is NOT cute.
I then told him it was a wig and not to worry.
His reply:
"hahaha welll!!!!!!!! even if you were bald i would love you so much!!!!! and still think you are the most gorgeous thing ever!!! but i freaking love you long hair, like my gosh i LOVE YOUR HAIR so it made me sad when you said you cut it!!! haha"
Isn't that the cutest thing ever?!
I sure do love him!
He knows I would never cut my hair tho.
Even heaven knows I would never cut my hair.
Even though it was so good to hear from him
on Saturday;
it's 9 days now that we have to go without
talking to each other.
It's okay though.
I'm lucky to even be able to hear from him once a week.
I love him so much.
Sep 13, 2011
Never too old for love.
I saw this video
and I laughed so hard.
This is how me and my husband better be
when we are old. :)
I love the elderly so much!!
Sep 8, 2011
3 months down today
21 more to go!!
Shawn loves Chile.
He is having so much fun there!
He loves his companion
Elder Huerta
from Austin Texas.
They get along so well!
Shawn is really enjoying th food,
the people there are so nice to him,
and he is teaching a few people!
Shawn told me a story about a member
him and his companion visit and eat lunch with.
When they go over there to eat,
they always feed them so much food.
Shawn always feels bad that he is taking their food
because they dont have much.
But you have to eat everything off your plate
or they think that you don't like it
as the members were serving Shawn
they said;
"We want to give you all we have
because its like we are serving the Savior.
You guys are the closest thing to the Savior,
you wear his name on your name tag everyday."
I'm so proud of Shawn and the man he is becoming!
Every monday when we email,
he seems so happy and his love for this gospel
grows every week.
I can see a change in him every week.
I like this change!
I love this change.
He is becoming the man of my dreams.
I love him so much<3
Since my old blog got deleted,
here are his mtc pictures!
Class room study :)
Temple Walk :)
Study time :)
The packages from me :)
Class room study! :)
Shawn & his first companion!
Elder Erickson!
His room :)
Such a stud :)
The towels I got him :)
He must really like them. haha.
His best friend at the MTC!
Elder Broadhead!
Now here are the pictures of him in Chile!!
His mission mom & mission pres :)
Elder Larkin & Elder Huerta :)
(the thing they are doing with their hands is thumbs up in Chile)
Shawn and the other Elders :)
Okay so Shawn was telling me that
there is this guy (the one in the middle)
that follows him everywhere and loves being around him.
He is always drunk and sounds like Jack Sparrow from Pirates!
Smile dang it :) hahahah
I love him.
The Story.
Another blog post I found on google.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
I was just an ordinary girl, trying to get by in her Junior Year.
I had many friends and didnt really care to have a boyfriend.
I was sitting in class one day, talking to a friend about some boy named "Shawn Larkin".
She showed me pictures, I thought he was really cute.. but off limits.
The funny part about the whole thing.. I went to Jr High and High School with him,
but never saw him in my life.
A few days later, November 8, 2009, this "Shawn Larkin" fellow added me on Facebook.
I hesitated to accept him, but I did.
I wrote him an email. Telling him "Thanks for the add, you're really cute" all that
We got talking, exchanged numbers and four days later
November 11, 2009 (11/11)
He came to my house.
Oh my goodness, I thought he was so cute! I couldn't believe someone as charming as him
was actually walking through my house.
The day went on, and it was as if we have been best friends our whole life.
This friend I had that told me about him told me..
"He has no emotion. He never smiles. He never even laughs. In fact, he never even takes girls on dates".
And whats so funny about that statement?
As we went about our first day of hanging out,
we laughed uncontrollably;
smiled til our cheeks hurt;
and he asked me on a date. :)
Ever since that day;
we would text 24/7
we hung out every day
and soon enough, after 2 months of trying his hardest
January 24, 2010
I became his girlfriend.
I was never seen without him. Where ever I went, it was always
"There's Emily and Shawn".
He changed my life in ways I didnt think were possible.
He became my absolute best friend.
He got me through the hardest times in my life. Losing my grandma, drama with friends.
He was and still is my biggest supporter in everything I do.
We did everything together.
Dirt biking, family parties, swimming, movie nights, birthday dates, dance competitions,
basketball games in my driveway,
graduations, summer nights, boating, skydiving, preparing for his mission;
Everything that happened in my life,
Shawn was there to help me get through it.
I could never thank him enough for everything he has done for me.
He is everything to me.
And I wouldn't trade him or our memories
for the world
Lucky Country.
This was one of the posts that I found.
Friday, August 12, 2011
What a lucky country.
The best man in the world arrived there;
August 9, 2011.
He couldn't be more excited to leave the MTC
and finally arrive to the place that needs him most at this time.
He is going to bless
so many lives;
just like he has blessed mine.
I was listening to a song.
I was here-Lady Antebellum
and the chorus stuck out to me and fits perfectly for his situation.
I wanna do something that matters, say something different
Something that sets the whole world on its ear
I wanna do something better with the time I've been given
I wanna try to touch a few hearts in this life
Leave nothing less
Something that sets the whole world on its ear
I wanna do something better with the time I've been given
I wanna try to touch a few hearts in this life
Leave nothing less
than something that says
I was here.
Knowing Shawn,
he is the most amazing man I have ever met.
He leaves long lasting impressions on everyone.
He is going to do an amazing job.
I couldn't be more proud of him.
And in 22 months,
when its time for him to leave,
he will
leave nothing less than something that says
he was there.
Now the fun begins,
and I can't WAIT to take on this journey with him.
and grow with him.
I can't wait to hear his stories;
watch him grow;
I love you so much Elder Larkin! ♥
Sep 6, 2011
Lesson Learned.
Here's the story.
As you can tell
I have a new blog.
A week ago I decided to delete one of my gmail accounts
since I have two.
Not knowing which one to delete
I just randomly chose one.
Sure enough,
I deleted the account that was holding my blog.
I didnt know this until I went to view my blog
and a big box showed up on my page that said
This blog has been deleted.
My heart sank.
I stared at the screen for a minute
before tears started flooding my eyes.
"How could this happen to me?"
"How could I be so careless. I should of been more careful"
I did everything.
I filled out forms online to reactivate my account,
and google kept telling me that
I wasn't the account holder because my answers didnt match up
to the questions.
I was so frustrated.
I did this four times
and everytime they told me I wasn't right.
For about 2 !/2 hours
I googled everything.
I then decided to call google.
and they also told me they couldn't do anything.
I gave up.
You may be asking,
"Why is she making such a big deal over a stupid blog?!"
And you're right.
Its stupid to make a big deal over.
But this was my journal for the past three months of Shawn being gone.
I have every reason in the world to over react.
But on the bright side..
atleast this didnt happen a year or so into the waiting game.
So now onto the lesson learned.
NEVER trust the internet.
I am now printing and saving everything!
Because you never know what will be the next thing deleted.
this girl helped me find some of my blog posts from my old blog.
Maybe google isn't such a horrible thing afterall.
And I will soon upload those posts in case any
of you want to read them.
Thanks for all your patience everyone.
Shawn is in Chile and absolutely loves it!
He is already the best missionary ever!!
I'll be posting again soon
because he sent pictures!!
I love him ♥